Politics Featured Sex vs. Gender Imane Khelif’s victory in Olympic Boxing is one fight in a much larger ideological battle. You can’t talk about it without taking sides.
Politics Featured The Stochastic Assassin In the wake of the Trump assassination attempt, conspiracy theories are proliferating left and right, accelerating a descent into tribalism.
Politics Featured Biden: Dispelling the Delusion If you diverge from the truth, eventually you snap back to reality. That’s what’s happening now. And dispelling delusion is a good thing.
Politics Featured Into the Abyss with Israel and Hamas How not to become the monster you seek to destroy. Observations on the imminent apocalypse in the Middle East.
Politics DECODING DECEPTION The Critical Social Justice ideology (Wokeism) functions through linguistic "hacks." This is a thumbnail sketch of how the hacks function. The ideology forms a self-referential system that is easy to fall into but hard to escape.
Politics Featured What Is Woke Exploring the philosophy underlying Wokeism, its emphasis on policing language, disingenuous descriptions of critical race theory, and how it all fits into American politics.
Politics Rittenhouse Acquitted, Media Indicted Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal is an indictment of all the media sources that maliciously distorted and obfuscated the truth—and they are legion.
Politics Featured Dave Chappelle’s The Closer: Empathetic Transgressions What is a woman? Dave Chappelle's controversial special The Closer explores the contradictions of gender in a disarmingly empathetic tour de force. Chappelle isn’t “punching down” at the trans community. What he’s doing is way more subversive...
Politics Featured Afghanistan: Admitting Defeat In 2001, 90% of Americans approved of military action in Afghanistan. Today, some are having a hard time admitting they were wrong.
Politics Biden, All Guns Blazing on Reform Biden intends to use precious political capital on gun legislation that is likely to fail, will have significant political fallout, and if passed is unlikely to ameliorate gun violence. Why?
Politics Featured Destroying White Privilege This foray in the cul de sac of wokeness may cost us a generation of progress on racial justice. Is there any alternative?
Politics Featured Biden Disqualified Who says that Joe Biden’s support of the Iraq War disqualifies him?
Politics Featured Sanders or Warren? Establishment Dems are trying to force a brokered convention to block Bernie Sanders from becoming the nominee. How does Elizabeth Warren fit in?
Politics Featured The Candidate With the Most Votes Wins Bernie Sanders believes the person with the most votes should be the nominee, and said so emphatically. The other candidates gave various versions of “follow the party rules” which would enable superdelegates to select someone who did not win the popular vote.
Democrats Featured Warren vs Bernie, CNN Cage Match Version If you thought we were going to be able to stick to debating the issues, the Warren vs Bernie cage match arranged by CNN has dispelled that fantasy. The last thing the mainstream media wants to do is debate the issues.
Politics Featured Gun Control and the Swing States To win, political candidates must appeal to voters in swing states with strong gun cultures. Popular measures like Universal Background Checks may garner votes, but ineffective, unpopular ones like the Assault Weapons Ban are problematic.
Politics The Betrayal of Julian Assange The indictment has collided with domestic US politics in a way that does not bode well for Mr. Assange nor for freedom of the press.